Raptor Adaptor : Transform your Battle Belt

In this video, we take a look at the Raptor Adaptor by Guardian Warrior Solutions to see a neat new way to use all of your pouches on multiple battle belts.

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Raptor Adaptor

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Looking first at the Raptor Adaptor, we see it’s a CNC designed and molded Kydex that has two tabs that connect into the bottom of the adaptor. This allows you to connect into any pouch, mag, whatever that uses a molle connection method.

The raptor adaptor can then be connected into a Tek-Lok via the three center screws. What’s interesting is that the alignment on the raptor adaptor also allows the pouch to be connected up horizontally, vertically, or even at a 45-degree angle.

This allows you to set up your normal mag or pistol pouches to be sideways or canted pouches as they connect into the Tek-Lok.

I added a small bit of loop into the middle of the Tek-Lok so it can adhere to a battle belt more securely while also adding a section of hook on the outside. The hook on the outside makes sure you don’t lose any belt-to-belt connection when using the Tek-Lok.

The Tek-Lok and raptor adaptor can then be placed on a battle belt extremely quickly, removing the need to fish your gear in and out of frustrating molle slots. It also allows you to build and rebuild your kit easily.

You could easily flip from one entirely different set of mags or caliber to another by just tossing those mags on and connecting them. Removing the need for an entirely different belt if the mission needs change.

The Raptor adaptor can also be added to an inner EDC belt. So I like to toss a radio pouch and a multitool pouch on a raptor adaptor that I can then pop off and take with me when I go for a hike. I can then just clip the entire setup back into my battle belt when I return home. Or I could even do the same thing with an entire staged IFAK!

Another big thing I enjoyed is that I can remove bits of my belt that have limited use. Like I can set up my dump pouch with a raptor adaptor then remove that when I don’t need it. The dump pouch just clips right off and then I could add in a shotgun mag pouch, extra IFAK, or any other miscellaneous pouch.

From a consumer, a department, or a team of individuals, this is a great product to have. As a single consumer, you can buy one set of pouches and just use the adaptors to switch out different bits if the mission set changes.

Similarly, for an entire department, you could load out as needed or even mix load-outs between teammates on the fly if roles changed and you needed to perform different functions.

I really enjoy this product and I’m glad to see a Safariland QLS style approach to battle belt attachments.

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Music by the amazing Barren Gates

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